
Quickly Open source code file location in OS's file browser from Netbeans

Want to open the file system browser to the location of a file or folder from Netbeans?

Easy, use the QuickOpener plugin.  Such a basic functionality requires a plugin, whereas it's built in in VS Code, but there it is.

Not the old QuickOpener that's been abandoned.

Use the new QuickOpener that's the fork of the old one (it's a friendly fork).

It works with Apache Netbeans, and can be found in the Netbeans plugin search area at least up to version 11.

For Netbeans version 12, you'll need to download the NBM plugin file from the online page of the new QuickOpener, then install it in Netbeans from the downloaded NBM file.  It worked for me in basic testing, so it should work fine.


LibreOffice's multiFormatSave extension is broken again

multiFormatSave broken as GlobalScope.DialogLibraries.isLibraryLoaded(EXTENSION_NAME) not working

I've talked about this before and the workaround.  It's been fixed but it broke for me again.  It was easy to fix this time though:

Quit LibreOffice, then just delete ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/basic/dialog.xlc.
